พระรอด ลำพูน สุดยอดพระเนื้อดิน ที่หนังเหนียว แคล้วคลาด ปลอดภัย
ค้าขายเจริญรุ่งเรือง ที่ปู่บุญเพ็งหีบเหล็ก ได้อมเอาใว้ตอนประหาร ฟันเท่าไรก็ไม่เข้า จน เพชรฆาต ถามว่าอมอะไรใว้ ให้เอาออก
ใครที่ชอบเหนียวจริง ต้องมี พระรอด
ลำพูน (บุญเพ็งหีบเหล็ก
ที่ถูกสังหารโดยการตัดคอ (โดยเล่าลือว่าในตอนแรกขณะที่ประหารเพชฌฆาตไม่สามารถตัดคอบุญเพ็งได้เนื่องจากอมพระรอดใว้ใต้ลิ้น) เมื่อวันที่
9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2462 ศพฝังอยู่ที่ป่าช้า
และทำพิธีกรรมทางศาสนาที่วัดภาษี เขตวัฒนา ริมคลองแสนแสบ ปัจจุบัน
มีศาลบูชาบุญเพ็ง ซึ่งบุคคลในวัดจะเรียกบุญเพ็งว่า "ลุงบุญเพ็ง"
7 ใบนั้นถูกฝังอยู่ใต้ศาลของบุญเพ็งที่วัด)
Phra Rod Wat Mahawan 拍洛佛像
"Phra Sukaputtapatima" is Amulets which made by
Hermit. Ex. Phra Perm, Phra Bang, Phra Khong, Phra
Liang and Phra Rod. These amulets made since
B.E.1223 founded in Lumpoon province. The legend
said that this land owned by "Mengkabutt", a tribe
of cambudian. Once Prince Sintatta (Lord Buddha)
have travel though this land at Ghontararm and
Charorarm villages which locate sounth of
Trakarnmeng town. Lord Buddha said "In future, part
of "Phra Baromsareerikatarth"(Lord Buddha ash/bone)will
be here and King Arthitrarthjao will keep safe in
the pagoda. In B.E.1008 there are 5 hermits, they
use to lived in monk hood. They exited the hood and
study meditate until success Arpinya 5th Samabut 8 (
Yarn=Class of meditation )and were travel around all
over thailand. 1. Phra Vasuthep 2.Phra Sukkatunta 3.
Pumarnsree 4. Puttachadin 5. Phra Suddchanarai. Once
Phranang Jarmatavee builded 4 temples are 1:Wat
Dongaw on east side, later called Wat Chetawan
(famous temple) In B.E.2484-5 people have found Phra
Perm, Phra Bang, Phra Khong, Phra Liang etc accept
Phra Rod. 2: Wat PhraKhong on north side, later
called Wat PhraKhongrorsee. Said that 4 hermit have
plan on building Haripoonchai city here at this
temple, people have added the word "rorsee" to
temple name (rorsee=hermit). 3:Wat Mahawan on west
side, this is the temple which found Phra Rod
amulets. 4:Wat Phratoolee on sounth side, use for
escape route purpose in war time as "Phratoolee"
mean door for retreat. These 4 temple have all of
Lumpoon province amulets and have been found at
later time. From this information. 4 hermits have
keep their amulets in Wat Dongaw, Wat PhraKhong, Wat
Mahawan, Wat Phratoolee. These amulets are beautiful
with art of Haripoonchai/Lumpoon province.
History say that once Sutavarorsee(Phra
Vasuthep)hermit invite Phra Sukkatunta to diccuss
about area to build city(Lumpoon). Once the city was
builded, Sutavarorsee invite Phranang Jarmatavee to
the throne of this city. This lady is a child of
Rich family from Nongdoo village Lumpoon province.
With her birth time/star prove that she have great
karma and will be well known to everyone, she will
help risen the level of Buddha religion in thailand.
Her family rule this city until B.E.1330 was loss to
Ramun Dynasty. Then again in B.E.1824 by King
Mengrai 1st, city was destroy. Later time the city
was rebuild by King Mengrai 11th. As Nakhonphing (In
present call "Chiangmai") loss to Burma, also
Lumpoon as well. Until Lanna era, King Thonburee.
Lumpoon province back to part of thailand. Lumpoon
province are one of old place in Thailand which
builded more than 1300 years, people have found many
antique thing and many amulets. "Phra Rod" this name
came from "Narata Rorsee" or "Rorsee Narata" this
hermit name was "Narata" change to "NaRod" in later
time. Once people found this amulets at Wat Mahawan,
they start to call "Phra Rod". Legend said that Phra
Sukkatunta and Sutavarorsee have meeting with 108
hermits in ceremony to create Lumpoon's amulets by
bring 4 clay from different land, 1000 medicines,
1000 herbs, many flowers. All mixed then put in
molds, then chant with spell by 108 hermits. These
amulets were given among thailand soldiers and
people. Phra Rod are smooth clay have white, red,
green, brown colours. From Wat Mahawan, sure not
exceed 1500 amulets. There are 5 pim(mold type) Pim
Yai, Pim Grang, Pim Lek, Pim Tearn, Pim Tor. PhraRod
is one of most famous 5 amulets from Thailand. The
amulets bless strong protection, bullet proof and
the oldest amulets in the set of Benjapakee.
Name of the amulet admirers world not know the
important Buddha amulets of Lampoon, or the former
Haripoonchai, in which there are many categorizes.
One of them that has ben important and popular among
the admirers, as included in the "Five Grand" set of
Benjapakee. The Buddha amulets of Lampoon as
wentiale is PhraRod it is one of the best and dearly
in need by many Budha amulet admirers. Phra Rod of
Kru Wat Mahawan Lampon is the Buddha maulet with the
mixed material of earth and tuberous plants. They
are delicate little ones with straight and power,
made by the craftman of haripoonchai in the art
style of early Lopburi period. Beating particularly
unique beauty of their own. All Buddha amulet
admirers have accepted that they have superb
Buddhistic power, especially in protection and being
safe from all dangers and disasters, So "called" The
Buddha amulet being safe from all danger (PhraRod
Yard Nirandtarai) An addition, they still have
Buddhistic power in good fortune and Charming second
to name of being safe from all danger and disasters.
PhraRod WatMahawan is one of the FiveGrand set with
PhraSomdej Wat Rakhang as the head, and with other 3
Buddha amulets, namely. Phra Gumpangpeth Soomgor,
PhraPhongsuparn, PhraNangphya Phitsanulok. The
PhraRod Wat Mahawan are 5 printed in all namely Big
Mould, Medium, Small, Tow and Tuen mould.
Why you need a Buddha image amulet
There are many
reasons for people to wear one or many Buddha image
amulets. Some people want to be in trend, some do so
as they have so much faith in the creators of the
amulets, some think the amulets suit them
astrologically, some see amulets as their assets,
and some believe in the merit or magic power of the
Some people regard the amulets as a result of their
appreciation of Buddhism which fulfill their lives
with the religious, spiritual and historical
Wearing an amulet reminds us to be mindful as
thinking of the teachings by the Buddha and the
monks who created the amulets. That results in the
wearer doing only good deeds.
Some people wear an amulet following the advice from
astrologers. After that, their lives became better.
They gained more wealth or more protection from
Some amulets are considered very precious because
they are very rare. Some people felt it was their
destiny to possess the amulets which they had by
luck. They then felt confident and proud of having
the amulets.
The most desired Buddha image amulets nowadays.
The most sought-after
Buddhist amulets nowadays are those in the
Benjapakee series or the Grand Five Sacred Buddhist
Amulets. They include Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang (from
Bangkok), Phra Nang Phya (from Phitsanulok), Phra
Soom Kor (from Kamphaeng Phet), Phra Rod Wat Mahawan
(from Lamphun) and Phra Phong Suphan (from Suphan
The value of one of the amulets in the series could
be up to millions of baht, considering more people
collect the amulets for commercial purposes.
It is widely known that Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang (aka
Phra somdej) amulets are the craze among collectors.
They are regarded as “the Emperor of Buddha image
Amulets”. The prices of Phra Somdej amulets vary
according to the models. The amulets of the “Kaiser
Model” are the rarest due to the limited number of
Phra Somdej amulet of Kaiser Model which Somdej Phra
Buddhacarya (Toh Brahmaramsi) took while producing
the amulets on special occasion- to present as the
gifts for His Majesty King Chulalongkorn the Great
(King Rama V) before his first trip to Europe.
The amulets of this model is known as the “Kaiser
Model” as Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II reportedly
showed interest in the amulet and then received an
amulet of this model as a gift from King
Chulalongkorn during his visit to Germany.
The price of the amulets.
The price of the Phra
Somdej amulet of Kaiser Model in the past used to
equal to five “Chang” (400 Thai baht) which was
enough to buy 100 rais of land around Bangkok. The
prices of the land in the areas now is almost 400
million baht for one rai of land. The value of the
100 rais of land is therefore almost 40 billion
baht. That means the financial value of the amulet
could be up to almost 40 billion baht.
However, the price of this Phra Somdej Kaiser amulet
in this so perfect condition has been set to 219
million baht. That is only 0.54 per cent of the real
financial value. In the market, collectors buy and
sell the Phra Somdej Kaiser amulets in the price
range from tens to hundreds of million baht
depending on the condition of the amulets.
Not just at the present price, the value of this
Phra Somdej Kaiser amulet will increase over time.